TR-H Crashworthy Fireproof Train Data Memory Device ( US DOT Criteria )

SKU: E-0102

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A crashworthy memory device specially designed for data protection of train recording systems in extremely harsh conditions such as fire, immersion or hard crash.

Quality standard as per US Federal Regulations Title 49: Criteria for Certification of Crashworthy Event Recorder Memory Module ( FRA 49 CFR Part 229 Appendix D ) far exceeding standards: IEEE 1482.1-2013 and IEC 62625.1-2013.

Withstanding 120min 1100℃ high intensity fire or 60min 1100℃ fire plus 260℃ fire for 10 hours exceeding the fireproof standard of a flight data recorder ( FDR ) as per airborne recording system standard ED-112 and ED-155.

Functional 100m underwater for 240 hours.

Also suitable for data protection of heavy duty trucks, oil tank vehicles or anywhere you have a high demand for safety of your data information

Size: 170 x 130 x 130mm

NWT: 6000g

Technical Specifications:

Interface USB2.0 4+2Pin

SATA2.0 7+4Pin

eMMC 4+4Pin 4bit

Power Input 5V±5% <1.5W ( SATA ) or <0.5W ( eMMC/USB )
Writing Circulation SLC: 100000 times MLC: 3000 times
Storage Capacity eMMC (SLC): □1G □2G □4G □8G
eMMC (MLC): □16G □32G □64G □128G
SSD (MLC): □128G □256G □512G □1024G
Fire Resistance withstanding fire test of both 1100℃/60min and 260℃/600min
Liquid Oil Immersion 48 hours
Water Immersion 240 hours 100m underwater
Static Crush 200kN 5min
Impact Shock 100g ( all axes ) 50ms
23g ( all axes ) 250ms
Pin Penetration 0.4cm2 pin 23kg, 1.5m
Alternative Electric Field ( AEF ) 64KA 10MA/S 1m
Temperature Range -40 – 75℃ -25 – 75℃ ( operation )
-40 – 85℃ ( storage )
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